How to Handle a First Rehearsal Meet & Greet
The first day of rehearsal is always the most exciting. Perhaps you’ve seen people posting on social media treating it like the first day of school. That is because, when rehearsal starts, you are at the beginning of a bonding experience. Everyone is meeting, perhaps for the first time, but certainly for the first time to work collectively on a new project.
We feel nervous because we want everyone to like us, and we want the show to be good. But instead of letting our nerves get the best of us, let’s talk about how you can handle a meet and greet with your peers.
Dress nice. Yes, it’s a rehearsal, but for the meet and greet you should try to look a little dressed up. I’m not talking formal, but first impressions are important, and if you FEEL that you look good, then everyone will sense your confidence. Bring a change of clothes though because you will be rehearsing.
Don’t say too much. Meet and Greet really shouldn’t be about the cast; it’s about letting all of the creative team, and management teams introduce themselves. So, know when to "shut up," and let them have the spotlight for a moment.
Shake hands with everyone. Make sure you make eye contact with everyone, and introduce yourself. It’s not important to remember everyone’s names on the first day, but remember that we show people how we want to be treated. If you’re the quiet one in the corner on your cell phone, people may get the wrong idea about you and your work ethic.
Just like every day of rehearsal, you should leave your drama at the door. If you’ve been unemployed for years, or just got divorced, or think you should be the understudy instead of that other girl, now is NOT the time to share it. Keep it simple, congratulate everyone, and save the drama for home.
You can really set the energy for the rehearsal process on that first day. The meet and greet is a wonderful way to come into a project with full consciousness, so set a good intention and follow these tips for an awesome start.
What's the ONE question you dread being asked when first meeting people? Leave it in the Facebook Group.
What are your favorite parts of the meet and greet? Leave it in the comments section below.
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