Fear of other people’s opinions

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Hey there, welcome back to another episode of the Creative Visibility Podcast! I'm excited to dive into today's episode, especially after the rollercoaster of emotions that last week brought, particularly for those of us in the United States deeply invested in women's rights. The recent overturning of the Roe vs. Wade president has left many of us perplexed and concerned about the state of our country. As I reflect on these challenging times, I can't help but think about how it affects our creativity, especially for those who, like me, find themselves navigating through a sea of fear, misinformation, and the fear of other people's opinions (FOPO).

Watch Full Youtube EPISODE below.



Navigating the Fallout:

Last week's events have undoubtedly made it a rough time, especially for those who are passionate about women's rights. The unsettling feeling that our country might be taking a step backward is palpable. The podcast acknowledges the presence of right-wing extremism and the impact it has on our ability to express ourselves creatively. It's in this context that I want to dedicate this episode to those of us who might be scared to speak up, those whose creativity is stifled by the opinions of others.

FOPO and Personal Reflections:

Fear of other people's opinions, or FOPO, is a struggle that resonates with many, particularly those who grew up LGBTQ+ or in less tolerant communities. I recently had an Instagram Live discussion with my friend Renee about FOPO and its impact on content creation. However, I want to dive a bit deeper into this because, personally, I've found that even those who claim to support us might not always align their actions with their words. It's essential to look beyond verbal assurances and examine the actions of those around us.

I recently came across an interview with Janelle Monae, a figure I truly admire. Janelle, who recently came out as non-binary, offered a piece of advice that hit home: not everyone will be happy for you. The more we can accept this truth, the easier it becomes to show up authentically. In my own life, I've encountered situations where people who claimed to be happy for me failed to demonstrate it through their actions. This realization can be liberating, as it allows us to let go of relationships that hold us back.

Personal Reflections and Cutting Ties:

In a recent family conversation, I uncovered the deep-seated homophobia within a part of my family. This experience highlighted the importance of self-acceptance and being true to who I am. It's not about seeking pity but recognizing the freedom that comes with understanding when people's actions align with their beliefs. I've made it clear that I don't harbor any ill feelings; I just want honesty.

Cutting Ties to Grow:

I often visualize my creative journey as climbing a mountain, but it's challenging when a rope ties me to individuals who don't share the same climb. Cutting those ties may feel isolating, but it's essential for personal and creative growth. Relationships built on respect are fundamental, and those lacking it can be stifling. It's not about burning bridges but recognizing when it's time to detach from negativity.

As we wrap up today's episode, I want to leave you with a task for the week: sit down and assess whether you are truly accepting all aspects of yourself. Have you done the internal work necessary for self-acceptance? It's time to prioritize your perception over external expectations. Unlearn societal conditioning and rediscover your authentic self.

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